January 06, 2007

The reality of the world.

Ben and I dined at our favorite fast-casual establishment, Noodles & Company, last evening in Beaverton. As we sat down with our mid-priced plates of steaming pasta, in walks Drunk Girl who plopped down RIGHT next to us. Immediately she calls Some Dude and their conversation goes something like this (one-sided only, we only heared this from DG's point of view):

DG: Dude, I am so drunk right now! Yeah, I got fired today. The fire department came in and said the kitchen was insanitary. So they fired me.

Ben and I look at each other. Then we look at our pasta.

DG: So I'm back here at my old job, Noodles, I start tomorrow.

Sigh of relief.

DG: And I am SO wasted!

No kidding!

DG: Dude, I've been doing a lot of thinking, you know? About life, and I just miss you. I miss the way you took care of me. Remember the day we were out on the lake?

Ummm...should we really be listening at this point? But we just can't stop. It's getting too good.

DG: And I almost passed out?

Kind of like now?

DG: You took such good care of me...you really did. I just miss you being you.

Awwwww...go get him then!

DG: But this is the life I've chosen for myself. I have to take on real responsibility and make a life for myself, you know?

Yeah, we know, real responsibility. Kind of like getting drunk on Friday night in a Noodles & Company.

DG: Life is just too hard.

We understand, DG, we do! Go home and sleep it off. Your first (and second) clue should have been the manager asking you two different times to leave. This is a family establishment.

DG: Everything is so messed up. There is no justice in the world. I am the only reality of the world.

WHOA, DG. That is deep stuff. Maybe you should consider a career in philosophy!

At that point we left. We'd tried to leave at several points before but it was just too entertaining. DG, wherever you're at tonight, I do hope you find the reality you're looking for.


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