March 01, 2007

Do you know the way to San Jose?

I do now. I took my first official trip to California this week for work -- spent a few days with the Hotmail team, and as strange as it sounds, had a great time. Silicon Valley is amazing -- you can practically feel the high-tech power oozing from everyone and everywhere. I was there to spend time at the Microsoft campus, of course, but my cabbie drove me past the Google campus just for fun, and pointed out the Yahoo! campus too. It wasn't all Hotmail talk...we also ate at an amazing Vietnamese fusion restaurant called Xanh in downtown Mountain View.

Can't wait to visit California again...for leisure next time!

The MS campus in Mountain View...right down the street from its rival, Google.

Yummmm...Xanh. My favorite was the green beans smothered in peanut sauce.


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