April 30, 2006

To market, to market.

We had a great day yesterday with some new friends, Travis and Heidi (from Ohio), who were nice enough to invite us out for breakfast and some Portland sightseeing.

We started at the J&M Cafe, right across the Burnside Bridge in SE Portland where we gorged on organic eggs, bacon and home fries. Portland residents are just so COOL -- it's hard to explain, but every time I visit an established hangout like J&M I find myself wishing I had more piercings and some Keen sandals.

We then trekked to the Portland Farmer's Market on the Portland State University campus, and then took the streetcar, and then the MAX train over to where the real action was: the Saturday Market.

Part flea market, part craft fair, and part freak show, the Saturday market amused us as we wove our way through the booths selling everything from kitschy jewelry, to lovely purses (my purchase of the day) to bongs. Yes, bongs. Certainly an experience we won't forget -- from the colorful clientele to the man juggling fire to the poor little dog with her hair died pink. Only in Portland!


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