February 23, 2006

Are we really here?

Originally uploaded by reedbn.
Never in a million years did I think we'd actually be living on the West Coast. Minnesota, sure, that was believable. And after Minnesota, well, we truly believed we might be headed back to our hometown of Indianapolis. But in mid-January, our next step became clear -- I (Nikki) was offered a great job with Waggener Edstrom, a well-respected PR firm in Portland, Ore., to work on the Microsoft account. Ben was thrilled at the idea of a milder climate, mountains, and ocean, and so it was settled -- we were moving to the West Coast.

On Feb. 22, 2006, we said a teary goodbye to friends and our life in Minneapolis, and boarded a plane with one-way tickets to Portland.

And since we're about 1,500 additional miles from our friends and family now, we decided we need a way to keep in touch. Ben's something of a blog expert (check out www.christianretail.blogspot.com), so he suggested we start one about our Oregon adventures. Check us out from time to time...we'll try to post photos so we don't clog up your inboxes, and maybe, hopefully, they'll inspire you to come visit soon!

Here's a photo we took on Ben's camera phone (hence the poor color quality)...


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